
14 June, 2016

Next Step

Hi, all!

It's been awhile, and I apologize for that! Now, on to the update!

Recently, I was awarded the Julia Chester Emery United Thank Offering/Young Adult Service Corps internship for 2016/2017. This is an incredible honor, and I am so very excited to see where this leads! Starting in September, I will be living and working in Bismarck, North Dakota for one year working with the Diocese of North Dakota in several different aspects. The link to the site is here.

This means that I will be leaving Brazil at the end of July. While I am so happy for this new adventure, leaving my life in Brazil will be a challenge unlike any other I’ve faced. As of now, I’m just living the excitement of the new position and not thinking about leaving yet. I’m just enjoying every day that I have left in Brazil with all of my “family” and friends here. I will think about the “goodbyes” at a later time. Really, how am I going to say goodbye to these precious ones in this picture??


Recently, I, along with several other YASCers and long term missionaries from Latin America, were able to attend the Global Episcopal Mission Network in Ponce, Puerto Rico. This was an incredible time of getting to meet fellow YASCers, missionaries, and people throughout the Episcopal Church while sharing our ideas and experiences of mission. Getting to discuss the very concept of mission and what this means to all of us was a meaningful time for me.

Ponce, Puerto Rico
The YASCers and Episcopal Volunteer Missionaries
from Latin America with Presiding Bishop Michael Curry.
There was an article written about our time in Puerto Rico and what mission means to us. The link is here. For me, mission isn’t about how I can save the world; rather, mission is about how I can live the love of Christ in communion with others. My call for mission wasn’t because of some desire to fix someone or something. To view mission this way seems almost counter-productive because there is a sort of implication that one way of life is better than another. Instead, I have spent my time in Brazil learning of new cultures and views on life while simply trying to be an example of Christ’s love for all. I am here to try to be a warm smile, a big hug, a good conversation, and a friend to all. We are all equal children of God, and to me, being able to share this love and this life with others is a part of the Jesus Movement that our Presiding Bishop Michael Curry is calling all of us to live. This is a powerful and important call, and I hope that we will all answer with open minds, open hearts, and open arms as we show the love of Jesus Christ.

All of the missionaries in Brazil with Presiding Bishop Michael Curry.

Until next time friends,


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